The chemical peel remains a popular skin care treatment designed to improve your complexion and make skin texture smoother. The experts at Nulook MedSpa apply an acid solution to the face and/or neck to provide excellent exfoliation in removing dead skin cells and debris from the pores. Your skilled aesthetic technician in Toronto can determine the right peel for your skin. A series of chemical peels performed by Dr. R. Mohan can produce a more youthful complexion underneath that is bright, radiant, clear and soft.
To prepare for your chemical peel appointment, it's recommended that you stop using any facial products containing prescription topicals like Retin-A or over-the-counter skin care products containing retinol or benzoyl peroxide. Dr. R. Mohan also advises avoiding depilatory products, facial waxing and tanning booths. You don't want to further irritate your complexion before the treatment.
During a chemical peel, you can expect that your skin will be prepped with a medical degreaser before the procedure begins. This ensures that the treated area is free of any oils. The chemical solution is then applied to your face and generally remains on your skin for a set time (about 3 to 5 minutes). You'll feel a mild stinging, but that usually subsides after a few minutes.
Post-peel, the experts at NuLook Medical Spa advise being gentle with your "new complexion." Don't be touching your face and trying to peel away any dead skin. Use a moisturizer and sunscreen, and avoid facial sponges or products that are aggressive to the complexion. Your skin is still sensitive and healing. You can return to your regular skin care routine after about a week.
If you're longing for a gorgeous, ageless complexion, a series of chemical peels can deliver amazing results. Contact us today, and schedule an appointment at NuLook Medical Spa located Toronto. Take advantage of our current special: Chemical peels buy 3 get 1 free 25% bonus.