Botox is a purified protein that is made from botulism bacteria. It works by blocking the release of neurotransmitters in the nerve cells. In other words, it makes your muscles relaxed. Numerous benefits arise from the use of Botox, including getting rid of wrinkles. Botox is supposed to be administered in small amounts only by licensed professionals such as Nulook Medspa in Toronto.
Did you know that Botox is used not only for the purpose of wrinkles and fine lines reduction? Other benefits of Botox include the treatment of the following conditions:
1. Chronic Migraines And Headaches
Are you experiencing headaches and chronic migraines? Then you should try out Therapeutic Botox. Botox will block neurotransmitters that carry pain signals towards the brain. As a result, you won't experience a headache or chronic migraines after the doctor or registered nurse administers Botox.
2. Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)
For years, most people have thought sweating is a sign of strength. But modern science has proved that excessive sweating can be a symptom of an illness. It is important to find out the cause of your sweating and treat it. If you experiencing discomfort and do not feel confident then you can treat hyperhidrosis with Botox at Nulook Medspa.
3. Overactive Bladder
The urologist will inject Botox into the muscle of your bladder, and the muscles will relax in the process. Whenever you feel the urge to urinate, you'll have enough time to get to the bathroom. The results of this treatment will not be permanent, but you have to repeat the procedure every 6 to 8 months. The UCLA research showed that around 70% of patients experience a significant decrease in symptoms and improvement in quality of life.
4. Crossed Eyes (aka Strabismus)
If you are suffering from crossed or wandering eye, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Botox will relax your eye muscles and straighten out your eyes in case you have Strabismus. Botox works temporarily, it is recommended to get a new injection after three to four months. The treatment will help to regain confidence and eliminate frustration.
5. Severe Neck/Shoulder Spasms
If you are experiencing severe neck and muscle spasms, a Botox injection will give you a new lease on life. When a professional injects Botox into your neck and shoulders muscles, they will relax and you will forget about the pain. Botox will help you calm down the problem that's been bothering you. You may not be able to carry out strenuous activities after this treatment, but you'll start enjoying the feeling of relaxation right away.
6. Involuntary Blinking Of The Eyes
Blinking of the eyes is a problem that occurs to many people. If you are experiencing involuntary blinking and it's causing you great distress, you should seek the help of a medical clinic or medspa. A certified professional will use small amounts of Botox to reduce the amount of blinking in your eyes by injecting it into affected muscles. The results will be evident within two days after your first Botox session, while the results will last up to 12 weeks.
7. Acne
If you are suffering from acne, Botox might be a solution. The procedure will ease the muscles of your face, and the sebaceous glands that are causing your acne will be deactivated. Not only will this reduce the breakout of pimples on your face, but it will also prevent scarring.
8. Vocal Fold Paralysis
A common problem is the inability to speak clearly (choppy, shaky, strained, breathy, or otherwise abnormal voice). However, some people get vocal fold paralysis due to stroke, or trauma. Once these patients get a Botox injection, they will experience improvement. The muscles that control the vocal cords will be weakened, allowing your vocal cords to function normally again. Many singers fall back on this treatment to prepare for concerts while having any voice problems.
Therapeutic Botox in Toronto will help you reduce the symptoms of overactive bladder, headaches, migraines, neck and shoulder spasms, involuntary blinking of the eyes, crossed or wandering eyes (strabismus), and acne. What a surprise?! If you're interested in therapeutic Botox, Nulook Medspa in Toronto is at your service. Call us today to make an appointment!
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