The sunshine can either be a friend or foe, depending on the amount of exposure. Maximum time spent in the sun, however, isn't exactly the beauty regimen of choice when wanting to minimize the effects of aging and possible skin cancer. Sun-damaged skin is a true threat to anyone living in the northern hemisphere, especially knowing there are preventative measures and the availability of a sun damage treatment in Toronto at Nulook Medspa.
What is Sun Damage?
Sun-damaged skin is when the sun's heat dries out areas of unprotected skin-- specifically with clothing covers or hats -- and minimizes the skin's supply of natural lubricating oils. Also, it is the sun's prolonged UV (ultraviolet) radiation that causes excessive wrinkling of the skin and acts as a precursor to skin diseases.
The Signs of Skin Damage
Besides an obvious sunburn, the most noticeable signs of skin damage are:
- dark, leathery skin
- dry, scaly patches of skin
- burning or intense itching
- unusual spots and blotches
- split and dry lips
- blisters on sun-exposed areas
The Consequences of Sun Damage
The detriment to the skin when sun-damaged may be irreparable. The overall risks can far outweigh the benefits, no matter the desire to achieve a gorgeous tan. When maximum sun exposure occurs regularly the amount of age spots and wrinkling skin can plague a person for longer than necessary.
Since the skin is the largest organ in the body, it's wise and suggested to get only 10 to 20 minutes per day of healthy exposure without sunscreen. This allows the Vitamin D3 to enter the body in a natural way, without having to add extra supplementation. But, when opting for the sun's effect on a person's well-being, it's best to be outside prior to 10 a.m. and after 5 p.m. during the least amount of damaging rays.
The Best Treatment for Sun Damaged Skin
There is a wonderful solution available to anyone for sun damage treatment in Toronto. It's called Fraxel Laser Resurfacing which is available at Nulook Medspa. It's vital to understand that Fraxel Laser is a non-invasive microscopic laser that literally changes the surface of a person's skin. The procedure encourages new collagen and elastin growth while smoothing wrinkles, scars, and resurfacing the overall skin tone.
Final Thoughts
For sun damage treatment in Toronto, there's no better option than Fraxel Laser and its skin care rejuvenating effects.Visit us at Nulook Medspa today for sun damage treatment in Toronto. Additionally, visit us to pick up mineral sunscreen from TiZO3 to protect your skin all year long. Contact us today!