What Are Moles?
Moles are common skin growths, also called nevi. They can appear anywhere on the skin's surface. The majority appear below the neck and above the lip area, but other moles may appear elsewhere. Moles are usually brown in color; however, some moles have black or yellow hairs growing out of them. The cause of moles is yet unknown, but genetics and sun exposure are suspected.
When Do You Need To Remove Moles?
Moles that change size, shape, or color should immediately be evaluated by a dermatologist to determine if removal is necessary. Not all moles require removal; however, it is imperative to address any mole which looks suspicious. While most moles are not cancerous and do not pose a health risk, it can be difficult to differentiate cancerous moles from benign moles. Therefore, any mole that changes should be evaluated by a dermatologist. Do not try to remove moles by yourself or scratch them. It is important to treat moles with a specialist. Also, if you have numerous moles or large moles, it is best to have them removed to decrease the risk of the development of melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer.
What is Mole Removal Treatment?
Mole removal is done in one of three ways: cutting, freezing or burning. Cutting moles is the most commonly used method of mole removal treatment. It involves excising the skin growth with a scalpel or razor blade. Freezing uses liquid nitrogen to freeze and remove the mole. This method is very effective for flesh-colored moles but often does not work on darker moles. Lastly, burning is a method that uses heat generated by an electric current to destroy the mole tissue. Because both this method and freezing are effective for all types of moles, you can choose which treatment method best meets your needs. Mole removal in Toronto is done in several medical spas and clinics; so, it is important to work with a highly experienced one.
After Procedure Care
There is no special aftercare required following mole removal treatment; however, keeping the treated area clean and dry is crucial after visiting a medical spa or clinic. Bandaging may be applied to protect the tissue from irritation and injury, but most commonly, a small bandage or adhesive dressing will suffice. You should expect some scabbing and minor scarring that is sure to fade over time. Keeping the treated area away from water for 48 hours following your mole removal treatment is vital.
Contact us today if you have any concerns about your moles and you want to remove it. Nulook Med Spa in Toronto will cope with the task professionally.