Cherry angiomas are a common vascular legion. While their cause is unknown, they appear on the skin as clusters made up of dilated capillaries. They range in color from purple to a cherry red. They are possibly the most common vascular lesions which appear on human skin and no one knows exactly what causes them. These lesions are made up of clusters of dilated capillaries, which explain the reason for the purple to cherry red coloring. They are often passed on genetically through your families history.
There are many treatments available to remove these red spots. If treated early enough, while still red in color, they can be completely removed using laser treatments. These treatments will not leave any scarring behind. Once the cherry angiomas become darker, as well as larger, their removal may require cautery. This procedure may leave a small scar after treatment. Cautery is the medical procedure of using burning to remove an undesirable growth. This method will allow the cherry angiomas to be removed from the skin.
Nulook Medspa provides this treatment for cherry angioma removal. This facility is located in Etobicoke and is a subsidiary of Islington Medical Centre. They have been successfully providing quality medical care for more than 25 years, in the Toronto area. Experts in both cosmetic medicine and laser technologies, they have available the very latest advances in both surgical and non surgical procedures. They also offer laser, medicine and technology services. If you have cherry angioma, this facility can successfully remove them for you. When visiting this facility, you can be assured of receiving the best in quality, experience and care.
Cherry angioma removal is available in many different methods. Some of these methods have side effects and can leave scarring. Shave excision is a procedure involving the removal of the lesion with the use of a blade. Although this method is effective, it will also cause tissue destruction. Scaring when using this removal method is minimal.
Cryotherapy is yet another way of removing these red spots. This method will eliminate the lesions through the process of destruction. The problem with this method is it can lead to bleeding, changes in appearance and can also trigger psychological distress.