Skin tags are a common problem for many people. They are small, harmless growths that can appear anywhere on the body. While skin tags are not usually a cause for concern, some people find them unsightly or embarrassing and want to get rid of them.
What Are Skin Tags?
Skin tags are small, benign growths that can occur anywhere on the body. A thin stalk of skin and a small ball of skin cells make up skin tags. They are commonly found on armpits, eyelids, groin, neck, and upper chest. Skin tags are harmless and do not usually cause any pain or discomfort. They are rarely felt or noticed unless they are in a place repeatedly rubbed or shaved.
What Are The Causes of Skin Tags?
The exact cause of skin tags is unknown, but they are usually related to friction. This means skin tags are more likely to occur in areas of the body where there is repeated rubbing or irritation, such as the neck, underarms, and groin. Some risk factors for skin tags include overweight, age, pregnancy, and type 2 diabetes.
Can You Prevent Skin Tag Formation?
There is no sure way to prevent skin tag formation. However, you may be able to reduce your risk by maintaining a healthy weight and reducing friction or irritation in areas where skin tags are commonly found.
Available Skin Tag Treatments
There are several ways to remove skin tags. Here are some effective options:
Cautery is a procedure that uses heat to destroy tissue. A device is applied to the skin tag, which produces an electrical current that generates heat. The heat destroys the skin cells, causing the skin tag to fall off.
Liquid Nitrogen
Liquid nitrogen is a freezing agent that can be used to treat skin tags. The liquid nitrogen is applied to the skin tag, which causes the tissue to freeze and die. The skin tag will eventually fall off.
Laser surgery uses a focused beam of light to destroy the skin cells. This is the most popular and effective treatment to get rid of skin tags. You can get this type of treatment at Nulook Medspa in Toronto.
Excision is a surgical procedure that involves cutting the skin tag with a scalpel or scissors. This is usually done at the doctor’s office or medical center/spa.
Although skin tags are harmless, you might feel discomfort having them.
There are many ways to get rid of them. Do not try to remove them by yourself. If you have skin tags or need skin tag removal in Toronto, call Nulook Medspa to make an appointment. We will find the best treatment option for you.
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