Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder where all of those fine lines and winkles have come from? Maybe a few years ago, you noticed some minor signs of age creeping onto your face, but you didn't think much of it. And now, several years later, your skin is showing dramatic lines and wrinkles, making you appear much older than you actually are. Although getting older is natural, some of us age more quickly and more dramatically than others. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to erase certain signs of aging from your face. If you have always wanted to find a way to diminish signs of age without an invasive surgery, Sculptra may be for you.
Sculptra is essentially a collagen simulator, and it actually promotes the production of your own collagen. Think of it as a collagen jump start! When administered correctly, this process will literally sculpt your face to give the appearance of a face-lift. As we age, one of the first things people complain about is the loss of collagen. You probably remember how full your face seemed when you were younger, you could pull on it when applying makeup or washing your face, and it would just bounce back into place with no issues. But many years later, it probably seemed that your face did not bounce back as easily. Think of a grape vs. a raisin. As a grape dries out, it develops deep craters and valleys, and after a while it looks nothing like the original grape. This is how our skin reacts to the aging process. At Nulook Medspa, we can help you regain your youth.
You may have noticed that your face appeared to age even more if you have maintained a particularly active lifestyle. Many times, avid exercisers notice a significant loss of volume in their faces over the years , and it may seem as if your former smooth skin is a thing of the past. By administering a series of treatments over the course of several weeks, our certified professionals at Nulook Medspa will help you build more confidence in your appearance. Once your treatments have been completed, your face will visibly have fewer lines and wrinkles, and as a result you will feel as if Sculptra has reversed the aging process for you.
If you would like to finally look as young as you feel, please contact us at Nulook Medspa today for a free consultation.