Anyone with fat underneath their chin who desires a more defined jawline without surgery should try Belkyra. This is an injectable drug containing a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid that will eliminate fat cell membranes. In Canada, the drug is called Kybella and has been approved by Health Canada. In the United States, it is referred to as Belkyra and has received approval from the FDA. A double chin is caused by heredity or hormones not body weight and diet and exercise may not resolve the issue.
Men and Women over 18 in good health are good candidates for Belkyra and Nulook Medspa is an excellent place to go for the treatment. They can answer any questions and provide a high-quality service. Once you have made an appointment you need to discontinue any anti-inflammatory medication and alcohol usage a week prior to your treatment so your recovery will be smoother.
The procedure is non-invasive and you will delight in the innovative beauty achieved. You can immediately resume your daily activities but there may be some swelling, bruising, or redness for a few days. The end of the week is the best time to schedule a treatment. Pictures are generally taken before your treatment so you can see how much difference Belkyra makes once it has finished doing its job.
A local anesthesia or topical analgesic is applied so the treatment is comfortable. A transparent grid placed on your chin guides the injection to ensure your results are balanced, smooth, and accurate. It only takes a few minutes to complete your treatment and an ice pack for ten or fifteen minutes will help with any swelling or discomfort. Some individuals want an additional treatment and an appointment can be made in another four to six weeks. The maximum benefits are usually achieved with two to six treatments.
The side effects with Belkyra are mild and anything serious is rare. The most common side effects include general discomfort, redness, itching, and bruising for around three days. Tenderness and numbness are sometimes experienced for a couple months. Scheduling your treatment at the end of your work week will prevent anyone from knowing you had a cosmetic treatment although they may notice your new innovative beauty.
Belkyra can be used instead of liposuction since many individuals do not want to have surgery. Although Belkyra may not show results for several weeks it is not invasive, does not require surgery, and does not have a lengthy period of recovery. Liposuction beneath the chin requires a head wrap for several weeks so the swelling can be controlled and the tissue compressed. Everyone will know you had a cosmetic procedure and it can be both inconvenient and uncomfortable.
Belkyra is an excellent way to receive the benefits you want without subjecting yourself to a serious procedure. Making an appointment with the Nulook Medspa and receiving the answers to your questions is the best way to begin. Once you understand how much the procedure can do for you the choice becomes obvious. The consultation is free and there is nothing stopping you from achieving the look you desire.
This Fall, Nulook Medspa is offering 400 redeemable points per Belkyra treatment for our Brilliant Distinctions Program!