Modern medicine has experienced an amazing amount of advancements in many areas in the last few decades. One of the areas of advancement is in cosmetic treatments for a wide variety of conditions. One of those conditions is the double chin.
Causes Of Double Chins
As people age or gain weight, one of the more difficult things to deal with is the appearance of a double chin that can arise. While many people believe this only occurs in overweight people, this is simply not the case. The truth is that double chins can affect also people that are in fit health and show little signs of being overweight.
While it is true that part of the double chin syndrome occurs from fat deposits in the chin area, the reasons for this are a bit more complex. In addition to weight gain, one of the other reasons for the double chin condition is a loss of elasticity and firmness in the under-chin muscles. For people with this condition it can be an unpleasant feature that can lead to feeling less secure and confident. The good news is there are double chin treatment options available for people who suffer from the double chin condition.
Belkyra Injection Treatments
While many people may believe the only way to rid themselves of a double chin is through plastic surgery, this is not accurate information. Today, there are many advancements in medicine that allow patients with several options for treatments of double chins. One of these treatment options is Belkyra. The Belkyra treatment for double chins consists of injections in the chin area with the drug Belkyra that work to destroy the fat cells in the under-chin area.
By contrast to surgical options, Belkyra uses a substance that already naturally occurs in the body to help breakdown the fat in the chin area. By contrast to using harsh chemicals, the active ingredient in Belkyra used for double chin treatment is called deoxycholic acid which is naturally formed in the body to break down fat. When deoxycholic acid is injected into the under-chin area, it begins to breakdown the fat in the under-chin. Once the fat is broken down using Belkyra injections, the double chin condition begins to reverse and the fatty deposits disappear. The good news is that using Belkyra offers patients a longer-term solution because the deoxycholic acid also helps prevent the fat cells from reaccumulating in that area.
For the patient who is looking to get Belkyra treatment for the double chin condition, the first step is setting up an appointment for a full analysis of the condition at Nulook Medspa. Once this is done, the doctor can discuss with the patient the process for this type of treatment.
Belkyra is medicine that is injected into the site area in a series of appointments. Patients may see results with as few as two appointments but generally, patients will need to get between five and six injections in order for the process to be complete and sustainable. Side effects for Belkyra are generally mild such as numbness and mild irritation at the site. However, as with any medication, patients should discuss any current or serious previous medical conditions with their doctor before considering injections of Belkyra.