The 21st century has brought us rapid changes and fast-paced technological development in virtually all areas of life. Beauty Industry is no different: modern individuals have a vast selection of cosmetic treatments at their disposal to remain youthful and radiant, regardless of the passing of the time.
While there are countless excellent rejuvenating options available, Botox treatments are perhaps the most popular choice for many, and for a good reason: 20 years of medical and cosmetic use has proven them to be not only safe, but ideal for those wishing to eradicate the first signs of facial aging.
Botox Treatments in Cosmetics
Botox, a purified protein derived of a bacterium that paralyzes the muscles it is injected into, is a harmless, temporary, but remarkable solution to restore youthful looks. By preventing the contractions of underlying muscles, expression wrinkles and fine lines can smooth out and disappear, usually within 5-7 days after treatment. The final result is visible around one month after administering Botox injections, revealing smooth and plump skin to the world. These results may last anywhere between 3-6 months, depending on the individual's skin condition and severity of the problem. Injections can be safely repeated in order to continue enjoying the results over a longer period of time, creating even more lasting results.
There are various specific and typical areas where the cosmetic use of Botox treatments can achieve remarkable results.
Frown Lines
The area between eyebrows is prone to start forming wrinkles at a relatively young age, especially in case of people who use a lot of animated facial expressions throughout the day. With the use of Botox, frown lines disappear and the brows look smooth and youthful once again.
Crow's Feet
Another problem area for many, the appearance of crow's feet is a sure sign of skin thinning out at the outer corners of the eyes, creating wrinkles that can significantly age a person. Botox ensures that these dynamic wrinkles become less noticeable, making one easily look 10 years younger.
Forehead Lines
Deep, long creases on the forehead -as a result of frequent frowning- can be extremely obvious to others, and may be the cause of embarrassment to those affected by them. Botox prevents frowning and restores the worry-free, youthful looks.
Lower Face
While not a common treatment area, the lower face can benefit from Botox use, as well. The corners of the mouth, marionette lines, and dynamic wrinkles on the sides of the nose can all be treated with Botox successfully, or be paired with other cosmetic treatments, e.g. fillers, to obtain the desired results.
Neck Bands
Botox may provide a subtle, yet noticeable lift to the neck in many cases, creating a more elegant and young-looking appearance that matches the new, fresh, and restored face.
Talk to your local cosmetics physician to determine what your skin needs and to set up a treatment plan. If you have further questions, don't hesitate to visit Nulook Medspa online!