

Face Sunscreen Vs. Body Sunscreen: What's the Difference?

There is a clear difference between facial sunscreen and body sunscreen. While sun protection is important for the entire individual, you should be making sure to apply the right type of sunscreen to the right part of your body.Facial vs. Body SunscreenThere are many benefits to using sunscreen. Too much sun can cause skin conditions and even cancer. By wearing sunscreen, you can potentially...

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Resurface Your Skin With Fire and Ice Skin Treatment

If you're suffering from acne, wrinkles, blocked pores, or drooping and aging skin, the revolutionary Fire and Ice treatment can revitalize and moisturize your skin so it's back to its natural radiant glow. The "Fire" treatment uses a chemical peel to remove dead skin cells, while the "Ice" treatment soothes, nourishes, and moisturizes your skin. Resurface your skin today and get back to your...

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Reduce your Double Chin with Belkyra

With Belkyra treatment in Toronto becoming increasingly popular, this injectable treatment can permanently destroy fat cells underneath your chin. Regardless of diet or exercise, genetics make it nearly impossible for some people to remove stubborn fat from under their jawline. Belkyra is non-invasive and has minimal side effects.How to Reduce your Double Chin with BelkyraBelkyra is an injection...

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