The holiday season brings great joy- good food, thoughtful gifts, family reunions, and more. However, it also entails a considerable amount of stress. That good food demands careful preparation, the holiday shopping can turn into a nightmare. Unless you implement effective self-love and relaxation tactics, your worries can trigger overeating, neglecting your needs, excessive alcohol consumption, and not getting adequate sleep. To help you enjoy the holiday season, here are tips for getting rid of holiday stress.

How Stress Affects Your Skin
Since your body reacts to your psychological state, conditions like depression, anxiety, and stress can make new skin problems develop or existing skin problems worsen. When you get stressed, your body releases adrenaline and cortisol hormones. Adrenaline causes a "flight or fight" response, which leads to immediate stress-related signs, such as muscle contractions, racing thoughts, and rapid heart rate. Cortisol leads to increased oil production in your glands, resulting in obstructed pores and acne breakouts. In addition, stress can cause internal inflammation. Inflammation protects and heals your body from wounds and microbes. However, a body under pressure makes the immune system overreact, giving an inflammatory response. This inflammation manifests as skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis flareups.

5 Tips on Managing Holiday Stress
To manage holiday stress, you've first to identify your stress triggers. When you become stressed, take time and evaluate what's causing it. Once you identify the triggers, use these five tips to destress.

1. Plan ahead
It can be challenging to find adequate time for all your holiday activities. However, formulating an action plan can help reduce stress. List all the activities you need to do, then choose the most important ones.

2. Don't neglect yourself
With a significant focus on giving, you can easily forget to put yourself first. Taking care of your needs will enhance your mood and enable you to take care of others.

3. Control your spending
If you are concerned about your spending and how it will impact you once the holiday season ends, come up with a budget and stick to it. If you aren't in a position to spend anything, offer your time and talents to family and friends or bake them a treat.

4. Say no
When you start receiving holiday invitations, you can become tempted to accept them all. Holiday activities that look all fun ahead of time can turn out stressful when you suddenly realize you don't have enough time to handle them all. Protect your sanity by kindly declining invitations you don't find appealing.

5. Let things go
The holidays come with a lot of pressure to ensure everything goes well. Over time, traditions can multiply, resulting in more preparation and inadequate time for decompressing. It's not a must you do everything, do the activities that matter, and overlook the rest.

Treatments In Our Spa That Can Help You to Relieve Stress
At Nulook Medspa, the leading medical spa in Toronto and nearby areas, we can help you counteract your frustrating skin problems. We offer various treatment options to improve your stress-related skin issues.Some of your effective skin treatment options include:
- Skin Tag Removal;
- Botox/Dermal fillers Injections;
- PRP Treatment;
- Soft Lyft;
- Belkyra Treatment;
- And others.

Contact us today, and we'll help you get the best treatment for your skin needs before the holidays!